Monday, August 18, 2008

This is Me

One of the reasons I'm starting this blog is so that those of you who are out there reading some of my more professional writing (it exists, I swear) will have somewhere to go when you say, "Man, that essay on amateurism kicked ass. I wonder where I can find more of that guy's stuff?" If you're one of those people then, hello. You've found me.

Currently, I'm blogging at a bookstore that shall remain nameless. What I write here has nothing to do with my day job, and the views I express here are mine and not theirs.

You also might have seen me hanging around The Millions from time to time. I'm no longer officially a contributor there, but I still turn up in the comments from time to time, kind of like how Jon Lovitz was always on Saturday Night Live the season after he quit. You also might have read some of my writing on food at Apron, Napkin, my now defunct food blog. If you found me because you've been obsessively checking Apron for the past year, then, wow. You should email me or something. If you've never read Apron, Napkin, well, you're not alone. I've left it up on the off chance that someone should want to know what I thought of AOC (It's divine. Go there tonight, if you have the means), or what it's like to rub jalapeƱos on your genitals (um, invigorating).

The other reason I'm starting this blog is that I find all kinds of incredible things on the internet that I just can't, for whatever reason, work into a post at my day job. This blog will serve as a good dumping ground for that, and you, dear reader, will benefit.

So anyway, thanks for reading, welcome, and I love you.

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